Surrender Your Child Back to God

Do you remember the old hymn we all sang at the top of our lungs, “I surrender all”? Did we really mean it, or did we mean “I surrender some things”. Even if it were true that we knew that your prodigal child would shortly come home, is it really what the Lord wants from you to sit home every day in grief, just waiting by the window? I have no idea how long it will be that they will keep running from the Lord, or how far they will go. He will not force them to turn their hearts, but He will pursue them. Your prayers really do make a difference. There were so many “bread crumbs” God dropped along my journey: times I can look back and I know that He was drawing me. And I know those times were answers to prayers. But it took many years. Even before I lived as transgender I had been in all kinds of rebellion and sexual sin for a total of nearly twenty years away from the Lord.
You might say, “life isn’t so fun without my children.” Let me ask you, if your prodigal child never comes home and you never see your grandchildren, what would define your life? If we continue to look at our lack in our circumstances, we will sink deeper and deeper into depression. The opposite of that is not positive thoughts or holding onto hope that they will return, but rather pursuing Jesus. The answer to our prayer itself is not our hope, Jesus Christ alone is our hope. Why? Because God may have a far greater plan that you cannot even conceive of. If your identity has gotten wrapped up in being a parent or a grandparent and not a disciple of Jesus Christ, then you have fallen from your first love. Repent. Your identity is solely in Him.
“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20).
Surrender Your Child that God Might Save Them

Think about Jochebed, the mother of Moses, for a moment. When he was doomed to be slaughtered, she tried to hold onto him and hide him. That worked for a little while, but ultimately holding onto him was never going to save him because she couldn’t actually save him at all. She couldn’t protect him anymore. So, what did she do? She laid him in a tiny ark and set him in the water and walked away. Far from abandoning him, we can infer I believe that she was surrendering him into God’s hands. What was the result? Moses lived like a pagan, in the palace of Egypt, the pinnacle of the biblical type of the world and bondage to sin and Satan. He was raised in a sinful lifestyle far from God for 40 years!!! (Acts 7:20-29). Then he lived another 40 years in the desert tending sheep: a far cry from Egypt, but not knowing the true God for another 40 years! Yet, he became the great deliverer of Egypt by the hand of God.
All this to say that his mother had to first surrender him. If she had held onto him, he would have never been raised in Egypt, and he would have never been in the position he needed in order to have an audience with Pharaoh 80 years later. God is allowing your children to live in this sin for a reason. I am thankful now for what God allowed in my life. Because while as a teenager I had a bunch of head knowledge about the Bible and Jesus, I was not born-again. I had never had a revelation of my own sin, what it cost Jesus, or had any understanding of the fear of the Lord. If we are honest, most of the time our prayer is asking for God to ease our suffering in some manner. But He has allowed the circumstances for a reason and it is far beyond what you could foresee or imagine. And it isn’t just about you. I wouldn’t have the ministry I do now if He hadn’t allowed it. I wouldn’t be able to encourage you, for example.
I mean, sure, it would be good if they were serving Jesus now. But in God’s divine sovereignty, He knows the perfect time to open their eyes. Have you ever asked yourself why God didn’t come to Saul with the “damascus road” encounter before he authorized the killing of Stephen and slaughtered many other Christians? Let that sink in.
Let Him Transform You
That doesn’t mean we stop praying – absolutely not! I know my parent’s prayers made a huge difference. But it does mean that if you’re not careful, being the parent of prodigal child can become your identity. It can consume you. Surrender them and start pursuing Jesus Christ with all your energy, heart, mind and soul. Let the Holy Spirit transform you into His image. Let Him not only change you but let Him live His life through you. You are not just a Christian parent, you are a member of the body of Christ. Christ wants to, through you, make disciples (Matthew 28 – the great commission). Focus on spreading the gospel, winning souls, and making disciples. Surrender your children into His hands.
Yes, there is a great disappointment I am sure in not having the life you pictured, but most of us don’t. We’ve been so disillusioned in this country with “the American Dream” and equating that with Christianity. We were lulled to sleep. Paul said, “Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; 2 And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.” (Ephesians 5:1-2).
The reality is that we live in a very fractured and broken world, cursed by sin, and filled with tribulation, pain, suffering, disappointments, sorrows, and shattered dreams. God owes us nothing. We are sinners condemned to hell without hope except for the grace and mercy of God. He does not guarantee us children that will serve Him and walk with Him. They are His children. He gives them to us to steward, to be a blessing to us, and He uses them to sanctify us.
Confess Your Mistakes
Yes, you made mistakes as a mother or father, so did my parents. So has every other parent that has ever stepped foot on this planet. But God never expected you to be perfect. He expected your children to expose your weaknesses, to help you to grow in Him, and yes to teach them and point them to Him. Yes, I was angry and bitter at God because of the shortcomings of my parents, but it was my fault for blaming God rather than choosing to forgive them and recognize they could not be perfect. God knew you could never satisfy every longing of your child’s heart, because only He can. We are all sinners in desperate need of forgiveness.
But, everything I was taught in church was still there. When the Lord really began to turn my heart, much of it came back to mind. The solution is not to wallow in self-pity and the what-ifs. Many people raise their children very well in faith-filled, loving homes and still some rebel. Each heart is deceitful and wicked (Jeremiah 17:9) and must be transformed by the Spirit of Christ. No parent can give that to their child, nor can they impart faith to them. They can only teach and guide and lead by example and in word.
So, ask forgiveness from the Lord for all of your mistakes. Confess them out loud to Him. Confess how you fell short, how you failed in certain areas, and ask for forgiveness. I would even encourage you to share among a small group of believers. James 5:16 “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” We are to confess our sins to others. Then acknowledge that your children’s salvation is not, and never was in your hands at all. Surrender them into His hands.
Ask forgiveness from them if you have the opportunity, but if not, ask the Lord for the opportunity one day. In the meantime, pursue the Lord. It was the change in my mother that was one of the big things that began to turn my heart and made me want to receive Jesus. She was radically transformed. And it wasn’t through her wallowing in depression over what I was doing. She surrendered me into the Lord’s hands, took her hands off, and pursued the Lord with all her heart. She threw herself into His Word and into the ministry of teaching Bible study that He had given her. But I didn’t know it for years. The Lord opened my eyes to it at the right moment. So, focus not on them, but on your relationship with Jesus. Let His Word wash you and cleanse you daily (Ephesians 5:26). Memorize it and study it and meditate on it day and night. Post it around your houses if you haven’t already.
Then one day you will be ready for the Lord to reveal the glorious transformation in you. Even if you have already grown significantly in your spiritual life, we have not arrived while on this earth, and we still need to be transformed into the image of Jesus, more and more each day. Remember, life isn’t about us, or our dreams, or our desires. The Lord calls us to come and die to ourselves on the cross, identifying with him in death, burial, and, HALLELUJAH!!!!, resurrection! (Romans 6:3-6). Focus on being a disciple of Christ and let God take care of your children.
“34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household. 37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. 39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.” (Matthew 10:34-39).
Laura–I read your message, every word. My eldest son and I have been estranged for some time now. His choice. Your message validated my decision that since I could not be part of his life any longer, I needed to surrender him to God’s care. I can’t tell you how much your thoughts helped me. Thank you for sharing. God bless you.
Thank you for this! I am actually very familiar with the pain of being a parent in this situation. Your work is so valuable! I hope one day we can meet.
Maria Polaris
My daughter is 27 yrs old, she cam out as lesbian her senior year of high school. She had a relationship for 8 yrs right out of high school. During that 8 yrs, her significant other claimed she was trans and began hormone “therapy “. Fast forward a couple years and they broke up….2 mths after they were “married “. I thought this may be the opportunity for my daughter to get on the right path. Which she did date a man for a couple of months, but that somehow convinced her more that she was attracted to women. Over the last year she has been in a relationship with a toxic person, alone, and now has another partner she claims she loves already. Before now she has maintained the more feminine look, but now she has taken on a very masculine look and claims to be transgender. I am absolutely heartbroken because I know none of this is her. She is so deceived believing the lies of this world. She was raised in church so I know she has a strong foundation. I have tried to walk in love and although she knows my stance (even providing her with scripture) we kind of silently agreed on a stalemate. However, with this new claim of being trans, I just can’t take it anymore. I have shed so many tears over the years, I just can’t. I told her if she went thru with it I would ALWAYS love her but I’d be out. I know that was my emotions speaking, but I told her that would break me and I can’t allow that. So now, we are at another stalemate, only this time….estranged. I don’t know how to handle any of this and could use some Godly guidance. Thank you in advance.
Thank you Laura. I too am a parent of a daughter who suffers from ROGD and identifies as a Transman. She recentely estranged herself from us. We had to “let go and let God”. Blessings, Justine M
Hallelujah and Maranatha Amen!!
Thank you for your wise words.
Please pray for my family,our 14 year old daughter has told us that she is trans and wants to physically change. We don’t know what to do, she is a loving ,beautifully person that we love very much .
I have exactly the same issue at about the same time too. Surrender to God but don’t forget to let your daughter know that God still loves her. Mine thought that God could not and so (with God’s protection) unsuccessfully tried to commit suicide. I have had to give mine over to a hospital as a result. Would you ever use male pronouns for your daughter? Mine asked and I am battling with it?
Hi Kerry, this is definitely a very tough issue. I am so sorry your daughter tried to commit suicide. In our day the enemy has presented it as a viable option for kids anytime their life gets too tough or painful. It has been glorified in the media. They don’t understand the eternal consequence. I am so thankful the Lord spared her life. I will be praying for her. I do not suggest using the pronouns they are asking. It is partnering with a lie which I cannot do as a Christian. It also only reinforces the identity they want. This does cause a lot of division, and I don’t claim this is easy. I used to yell and scream at my parents for not affirming me. I would cut them off for long periods of time. But the truth was I knew they loved me. And their refusal to call me Jake made me angry. But God used it as a tether to reality to me. I was never able to forget who I truly was and now I am grateful.
Well, Laura I am so blessed by your ministry. We are estranged from our 18 year old daughter and everyone in the family affirms her new boy name with pronouns. My husband and I are the only family members who will not. She moved in with my husband’s mom after telling us she couldn’t stand living in a home where we would only use her birth name. We have been praying and fasting about our own hearts and if we are doing the right thing. We have tried to communicate and reach out to our daughter but her response is that we must use her boy name and “correct pronouns” if we want her to talk to us. On top of all this we recently found out that she started hormone therapy.
We know she has had an encounter with the love of Jesus as a young child, but there had been some trauma and Christian counseling didn’t seem to help her. Your response to not agree with the enemies lie and affirm her new name is refreshingly what we needed to hear. She knows we love her and she almost came to visit recently, however she told us she got cold feet because things were very overwhelming. I was greatly disappointed but realized God was in that change of plans. We have given her to Jesus, but boy is it so difficult! It’s great to go to your website and be encouraged! Thank you for allowing Jesus to take your ashes and make something beautiful out of them! You are appreciated!
Laura, you have been such a blessing to me. I read your book and watched your videos and the NC church event vitually. My daughter will be 18 in October. From your guidance, we do not call her by her new chosen name (I just day kiddo or similar) but we have used her preferred they/them pronouns. She wants to pursue hormones and top surgery. My benefits cover practically all of it. I struggle with whether to keep her on my benefits (which I can until she’s 25) and she knows she’s ‘covered’. Do you have thoughts on this?
I will be praying Allena. I am so sorry to hear. So many young girls are being deceived into this.
So…I am reading all this and definitely see it’s satan’s device. Same thing different person. My daughter (15 years old) needed to be hospitalized in November for suicidal tendencies and self harm. She told us while in the hospital, that she was trans. My husband and I have been using he/him pronouns and calling her Ian as an act of love. I’m not sure it’s right and discussed with her that I don’t think God made a mistake making her a girl and in a sense I am denying God by calling he/him pronouns. My daughter told me that I would not be the only reminder that she is a girl as she is reminded daily. I prayed and God gave me peace that He’s working in her and my beliefs are not hers. She needs love and acceptance with me in order to have an impact on her, or so I thought. Last night, I left Transgender to Transformed book on the table after I finished it. Ian saw it and immediately said, I’d like to read it. I said ok, you can and he proceeded to yell at me about it. Long story short, he wanted to read it to criticize it and didn’t read much before doing so. It have now created a division even though I said it’s just a book and nothing has changed. He sees me as agreeing with Laura and him. So, realization is that by using he/him pronouns and masculine name gave a false sense of agreement. Praying on this. I don’t recommend doing what I did.
Thank you so much for sharing your story. Yes, unfortunately using the name and pronouns they desire might seem to be loving, but other parents have found what you have that it doesn’t ultimately help the child and it causes them to believe you agree with their decision, even if you try to make a distinction that you don’t. As the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words. I appreciate your honesty in sharing. I pray the Lord will give you guidance and wisdom from the Holy Spirit. This is not an easy road to walk. I think the secret is to keep our eyes on Him and not on the problem, to trust His Word even when our emotions are screaming at us otherwise.
Laura- thank you so much. It would be so nice to ask you questions to know what to say and do. It’s hard to get advise as unless you have been there, nobody understands.
Thanks for the article. My son is 24 and 2.5 years ago he left home because he was depressed started to use marijuana and he wants to become a woman, he is very smart, he was in Ivy League college and did not finish because all this obsession to become a woman, he has been living in another state, working in minimal wage job that gives him insurance to pursue this. College friends who graduated (he didn’t) supporting him, he is almost ready to do feminization surgery of his face, he wants me to support and take cate of him, I cannot see how he self destroys the body that God have him. I pray everyday and I surrendered my son to God, I want to be calm and let God to take care of his destiny but it is difficult Also it is difficult to find people to pray for him, even Christians say “the word is changing” . I pray for my prodigal son to come back and to stop doing stuff with his body, so in the future won’t have big regrets. Also lots of our fights is because I refuse to call him with his new she name, because he always be my boy.
Thank you for this ministry. I am also praying and becoming closer to Him, trying to surrender my only child. My 13 year old daughter, while waiting on a list to see a counselor for her pandemic depression and self-harm like so many of our youth whose mental health has been affected during this long lockdown, has a month ago told me the same thing, except she says she is non-binary and same-sex attracted. I didn’t even think about any of this stuff until I was at least 15. Seems young to have your identity figured out. She was formerly considering religious life and prayed with me at abortion clinics before the pandemic. Now, she makes fun of my belief in pro life and ‘that magic man in the sky.’ Very demanding that we call her by her new name, never using her ‘dead name.’ Says she will die by suicide or cut us off. My husband, a veteran with PTSD, depression, alcoholism, and sex addiction who hasn’t had the capacity to be very engaged with her and whose attention is erratic, at best, (in counseling, my extended family and I believe that that relationship is the crux of my daughter’s mental health issues and she has escaped the pain by her new identity) gave into her demands for a chest binder and pride flag during pride month without speaking with me about it. All of this rebellious behavior from my highly intelligent, beautiful, shy, sweet daughter who attended until this year a classical school where she was taught how to think rather than what to think, now speaks in scripted, cult-like language about LGBTQ issues, BLM, critical race theory, etc. as a member of the ‘oppressed’ and I am her ‘oppressor’ that she has gleaned from the dark side of Discord, Tik Tok and Instagram. I am not on those platforms anymore, as I didn’t have time to keep up with working full time and caregiving for my parents. We are Latino and also of Jewish heritage so my daughter has become so brainwashed she doesn’t know up from down. The recruitment strategy may be for the online incubator groomers to separate our daughters from their parents and then they are their new family. Walt Heyer says that it is a elite men and CCP behind this new trans movement. Since my formerly straight A daughter who loved school also refuses to return to school, I attended a Christian home educators conference and ran a few errands for my parents during the past few weeks and am hearing this from so many other parents and even a pastor. I also am hearing this from my calls to Focus on the Family. A self-proclaimed ROGD especially during the pandemic lockdown, when the kids had to be online so much for their distance education and ne’er-do-wells seemed to be preying more aggressively than before the lockdown. A little different than what happened to you, Laura, I think, so maybe we also need to pray for a way to advocate to protect our precious daughters and families from this. This is bigger than just our own families. I will pray for all of you. Please pray for us.
Laura – I have heard your testimony and the interview with your mom on ROH and was so blessed by it. Can’t wait to hear you speak at Revive’21. My children are both prodigals and have been for close to 20 years. This article, this truth, your words of wisdom, was exactly what I needed to hear TODAY! Yes, I repent of identifying as a parent of prodigal children. No more — I surrender all!!! I thank God for you and your ministry and for the Holy Spirit giving you wisdom and boldness to speak the truth out of love.
What a beautiful and much needed reminder :). I thank God for taking you and me down this hard journey (ours is with our daughter wanting to be a boy) in hopes that she can share a similar beautiful story for God’s Glory as well….if it is His will ;).
If only my son would consider both sides of transitioning. He will not allow me to offer any other viewpoint and refuses to let us agree to disagree. He is 18 now, has moved out and is stunted. Thank you for your writing on the subject. Sometimes the depression gets so bad for me I want to give up. I just want my son back. Thank you and God bless us all
Excellent article and really encouraging (and a great reminder). Your story (and many others in the comments) mirrors my son Easton’s situation. He’s 19 and has sensory (and other) issues that I can see are part of his gender dysphoria problems. He is very emotionally immature, insecure, in the process of transitioning, and getting involved in very unhealthy relationships with strangers. He is such a sweet kid with a good heart and I know yearns for love and acceptance, but is has become a compulsive liar, verbally and physically abusive to me and his father (we’ve been divorced 16 years but working together) and on a bad path right now that breaks my heart. I just don’t know what to do to help him, show him love, etc. even if from a distance and while letting go. I’ve put him in God’s hands and pray every day for true salvation for him which is all I can do. I tell him I love him continually also.Your experience and story (as well as your mother’s) has really helped me to continue in a spirit of thankfulness and praise for what’s to come regardless of the current situation. Thank you for that!
Same situation, my daughter is 14 turning 15 on Christmas Day, her confusion began about one year ago and progressively got worse, thus year she began to bind her breast, refused to shower abs shave under her arms, she has been cutting herself so deep it required stitching, she’s been hospitalized 6 times this year for starving herself, attempted overdose and cutting, the state of Missouri took her from me after her second hospitalization right before Easter. She has been hospitalized 4 additional times since they took her , I have been fighting to get her back the state of Missouri stated that I was abusing her by not accepting her male name, not calling her the proper pronouns and by not accepting her choice to become trans. They say I was causing her to harm herself by making her not feel loved , I told them it was against my religion but that did not mean I love my child any less. They told me that my daughter was dead and I now have a son and offered me grief counseling. They sent her to live with her dads mom so don’t know where she lives who live as a male, put her in an unknown school district and placed me on child support despite her father has been on drugs since she was 3 and was physically abusive and I raised her as a single mother. They refused to let her to stay with my mom or family as an option while they “ investigate “ because we are Christian and they say we would not address her properly, The state of MO is refusing to return my child to me unless I address her as her male name and he, him or them and agree to go to LGBTQ counseling, they told me I would cause her to kill herself if she is returned, my daughter is now on Psychotropic medication, has shaved her head and lives very confused the State of MO says that my child a 14 year old is allowed to decide where she rather live she is my only child and they took her from me all because I taught my daughter about the Lord and tried to train her up the Christian way and told them the life style was against my religion it’s been 6 months without my Angel I don’t pray this pain on anyone.
Thank you Laura for sharing your story and wisdom. My son, after 35 years, married with 3 children, decided to transition to a woman. It really seemed to come from out of the blue. He lost his marriage, went on hormones last year, and this week, had surgery. Before he went to surgery, I told him how much I love him and that he would always be my son and I would not call him by his new name. Of course his response was to push me away. Thanks for this blog and validation that I did the right thing. I really need to continually be encouraged to turn him over to God. This is a tough walk as I trust God with him.
I was just pointed in the direction of your site a few months ago. About a year and a half ago, my then 16-year-old said that he did not identify as a male. A few months later, he ran away and has not moved home since. He is now 18, and we have very little communication with him. I printed out your “letter to parents” and also this article about surrendering him to God. Those articles have encouraged me so much. It took me a while to order your book, because I had a whole nightstand full of similar books and needed a little break. But I finally ordered your book, and it was, by far, the one that most encouraged me. The only part that was a little hard, was that you wanted to be called Jake, which is my son’s name, and he doesn’t want to be called that! So that’s a little painful, but you said things in that book that I just keep going back to read over and over. Sometimes, the world, even in the Christian community, tries to make us believe we are wrong in not going along with it. But after reading your book, I am even more convinced that we are doing the right thing. He was also raised in a Christian home, and at one time had a very strong faith. Through your book and your site, I have renewed faith that he will turn things around. Thank you for your much-needed encouragement!
Laura, I read your book over a year ago when I had been seeing all of the see signs of ROGD with my now 19 yo daughter. I now recommend it or give it to other moms going through the same thing (which sadly is happening more and more). After reading secular books/articles on the subject and the sudden epidemic of “trans” girls, I see that my daughter fits the profile of so many of these lost souls and followed the same destructive path of these other girls did and I do believe feeling ostracized as well as social media, the internet & her peer group were huge influences as well. I also know this is not a physical but spiritual battle we are in. We always had a good relationship and were close until mid-teen years. At 12 she professed Christ on her own and of all my kids, was the first to choose to get baptized. But by 15 she proclaimed she was atheist and starting physically changing and growing more in darkness & distance. I did all I could to help, and I realize in many ways how I tried to control or parented out of fear not faith. I have confessed so many times and repented of my parenting mistakes. She has now pretty much alienated me. I am a single mom and her dad is not a believer and has not been deeply involved in their lives. I am so heartbroken and just when I think I haven give her God and it can’t get worse, something else happens (like her dad recently letting me know that he fully supports her and is helping her with this). I know God is allowing so much to show me that I absolutely have no control, what full surrender to Him looks like and all of this is for His greater plan, purpose and glory. He definitely has me in the refiner’s fire and has impressed on my heart that He is doing as much a work in me and my whole family as He is working in her as well. In the flesh and emotions I can so loose sight of this and become despairing. At times in this weakness & tears, I have even told Him “I am okay if you take me now” to get relief from the grief. I know this is a spiritual battle. I am on my knees for my child and many like her. I thank the Lord for you and for your testimony and ministry!! I so needed to read this post and these reminders! I have been painfully convicted of how I have made my kids idols and my identity as a mom more important than Christ. I have not surrender my children like I need to, but I am now! Thank you for the hard truths in so much love and compassion. This post today for me has strengthened me for the battle. I have often thought of your mom and can identify with her as I go through this. I wanted to know if she has any articles or posts or if she plans to write a book for parents as well? God has used her testimony to encourage me as a mom in the battle too!
Thank you for writing this. Our 4 year old son has been only interested in girls things for a couple years, he only role plays as a girl, says he wishes he was one and gets upset about being called a boy. Do you have any tips on if we should let him play with stereotypical girls’ things such a princess items that he asks for? Or do we just redirect him? He asks for dresses. It is heartbreaking, longing for our baby to be happy the way his older brother is happy with the things his heart desires. I want to do the right thing that will not hurt him ultimately.
Thank you for beautiful encouragement. I have trouble with my daughter, Esmeralda. She has been always quite a rebellious young lady, she left me and my husband when she was just 18 years old and moved to another state. We haven’t spoken much since, she called me a few times a year, but nothing more. This has been going for about ten years now, and I recently heard from a family friend that she has became a lesbian. I tried to call her but she didn’t pick up. I kept praying for her, but she has been not responding to my emails or anything.
I raised her to be a proper christian lady and could never imagine that my little girl could become a homosexual. I’m deeply saddened, and keep praying for her to find her way back to God.
Wow. I am so thankful to have found this post and article. I just found out much like many of you that my son wants to be a woman and that the woman he married is all for it and stands with the LGBT movement. I have raised him in the church and told him that God never failed you but the church did. I told him how much I love him but this isnt sitting well with me. I have cried til I had a headache. I have pleaded with the Lord for him to get back on track. His older sister somewhat supports him and she too is in need of prayer. Only my youngest daughter is on track with God. As a mom I am crushed and exhausted beyond belief. I am so drained. I feel I have prayed all the possible prayers I know to pray. But I see no change. So I too need prayer for strength. Its amazing that I am not the only christian believer out there going through this. Thank you all for understanding.